All script apps like forums or e-stores save their information in a database - a set of cells and tables that contains all of the website info including items, prices, comments, and many others. Each time you open a particular page, the script connects to the database and retrieves the required data, then shows it. The mid-level software which connects the script and the database is referred to as a database management system and amongst the most widely used ones is MySQL. The latter is frequently used as it operates on various platforms (Windows, Linux, UNIX) and with a range of scripting languages (Python, PHP, Perl, Java), not mentioning its fantastic effectiveness even with big databases. Lots of well-known platforms like Joomla or WordPress use MySQL databases to keep their content.

MySQL 5 Databases in Shared Website Hosting

The in-house built Hepsia Control Panel that comes with our Linux shared website hosting packages will permit you to manage all your MySQL databases without difficulty. It takes just a few mouse clicks to set up a brand new database and with just one more click you can back it up if you want to have a copy before you update your Internet site, for example. You will be able to modify the password, delete a database or allow remote access to it just as easily. For the latter option you could opt for the IP addresses that'll be able to connect to the database remotely to make sure that unauthorized people won't be able to access your info. If you want to view the database content or modify any cell or table through the CP, you may use phpMyAdmin, an excellent web-based interface. Using any of our script-driven applications shall also be quite simple as our script installer will set up a database for the script that you have picked automatically.

MySQL 5 Databases in Semi-dedicated Hosting

MySQL 5 is one of the database administration systems provided with our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages and you will be able to set up and use any script application that requires a MySQL database easily. Our innovative Hepsia Control Panel offers you complete control of any database you create - you may change its password with a click, export or import content and even access it remotely through an app installed on your PC. To make certain that nobody else shall be able to use the latter option, you'll need to include your IP address in the Control Panel just before you are able to access the database. If you need a web interface to control a particular database, Hepsia will give you access to the feature-rich phpMyAdmin tool through which you can change specific cells and tables or run MySQL commands through your browser.