Web Control Panel

Maintain your sites with a simple click of your mouse

It is now easy to take over your sites with the new–generation App Installer that we have created for you with ease of usage in mind. Manage all of your data files with effortless drag’n’drop activities, register, transfer and control a plenty of domain names from 1 area, create mail addresses immediately, manage mailing list activities without difficulty, configure and open your databases with a mouse–click, screen site statistics live, and much more). Cutting–edge programs just like a framework installation software, an .htaccess generator and a hotlink protection application are integrated as well.

Web Control Panel

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

All Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages reside in our state-of-the-art datacenter in the US located in Chicago, Illinois. It was one of the very few US data center facilities that made it possible for us to deploy our unique internal network and the only one that could supply the hardware we wanted promptly. It has an outstanding help team, which is available 24/7.

Another excellent benefit of our datacenter in the US is that it features fantastic network connectivity with the rest of the world. On account of that, all US Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are going to take advantage of top site loading speeds.

USA Data Center

Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables effortlessly

Thanks to the modern server segregation concept developed by our admins, we can easily allot a prolific number of database queries to your sites. This can help you sustain multi-media websites with sizeable databases that will be frequented repeatedly by a massive amount of customers. Should you have a busy database driven site that keeps growing regularly, you’d better take into account transferring to a Linux semi-dedicated hosting package before you start exceeding the limits on your shared web hosting system.

Increased MySQL queries

Increased CPU quotas

Considerably more power for your web apps and web sites

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages offer you a greater percentage of the primary server's CPU as opposed to normal shared web hosting accounts where you share this crucial server asset with many customers. This will certainly release more operating power for your resource-hungry websites that must receive a greater number of visitors. In addition, this could decrease any probable service interruptions that might occur when you go beyond the lower CPU allocations on a common website hosting account.

Increased CPU quotas

Faster Performance

Obtain fastest performance speeds for your sites

Blazing–fast operation is considered one of the primary features of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages. We have managed to boost the network data transfer to as much as ten Gigabits for greater online connectivity and quicker site running speeds, to deliver additional servers that streamline server upkeep actions and decrease service interruptions and downtimes, and to migrate user information to NVMes, which offer much faster data execution transfer rates and a far better longevity than standard HDDs.

Faster Performance